Short Wave Magazine (SWM), in August 1958, states :

"Certain calls are issued to the Bases and [are] used by all and sundry - this applies to VP8AE, 8AJ, 8AK, 8AL and 8AM".

A 1959 VP8 callbook lists the callsign/base allocations per the following table. Some of these callsigns were in use in 1946.

CallsignBaseBase nameDXCCIOTACQ Zone
VP8AEHSigny (Island)South Orkney IslandsAN-00813
VP8AJAPort Lockroy (Wiencke Island)AntarcticaAN-01213
VP8AKBDeception IslandSouth Shetland IslandsAN-01013
VP8ALDHope BayAntarcticaAN-01613
Stonington IslandAntarcticaAN-00113
VP8ANFFaraday (Galindez Island)
VP8AOGAdmiralty Bay (King George Island)South Shetland IslandsAN-01013
VP8APHSigny IslandSouth Orkney IslandsAN-00813

The following BAS base calls were issued at a later date:

CallsignBaseBase nameDXCCIOTACQ ZoneStart
VP8FARFFaraday (Galindez Island)AntarcticaAN-006131991 (end 1994)
VP8ROTRRothera (Adelaide Island)AntarcticaAN-001131992
VP8SGBBIBird IslandSouth GeorgiaAN-007131991
VP8SGKMKing Edward Point
(has also been used from Bird Island)
South GeorgiaAN-007132001
VP8SIGHSigny (Island)South Orkney IslandsAN-008132001


Martin Atherton, G3ZAY

Gavin Taylor, GM0GAV

Short Wave News September 1948.