The TK prefix has been used for stations in Corsica since March 1984..

TK was used for special event stations in France and French Overseas Territories from 1975-1984.

Known operations:

May 1975 - 50th anniversary of REF - 'Reseau des Emeteurs Français'. 

F: TK, FG: TK7G , FM: TG7M, FR: TG7R, FY: TG7Y.

November 1977: TK7GAS op FG7AS - XXth anniversary and IXth conference of  UTO (United Towns Organisation).

January 1979: TK7G - unknown event, information required,.

May 1979: TK#ITU - International Telecimmunications Day - all stations QRV from France.

June 1983, June 1984 - TK6JUN - Commemoration of D-D landings on 1944-06-06.