The DXCC entity of Prince Edward and Marion Islands, which are known geographically as Prince Edward Islands, was added to the ARRL countries list in 1948.
The October 1948 issue of QST, page 63, carries the item:
From time to time additions are made to the ARRL Countries List, the official standard used in connection with the annual DX Competition and the DX Century Club. Latest addition is Marion Island (ZS2), which will be grouped with Prince Edward Island as a separate country."
Location map (credit: ResearchGate):
Islands map (By drawn by varp, Public Domain,
Prefix: ZS2 until 1986 , ZS8 from December 1986.
Ranking in "Most Wanted" league.
The IOTA reference for Prince Edward and Marion Islands is AF-021
Prince Edward and Marion Islands is a whitelisted DXCC entity. The following table lists stations known to have been QRV from Prince Edward and Marion Islands and which are thought to be good for DXCC credit.
The callsigns below are the only ones that Club Log will map to Prince Edward and Marion . These callsigns have been taken from QSL cards and other sources.
Callsigns that are not listed below, or QSOs outside the exception date range, will be not be mapped to Prince Edward and Marion Islands but will be mapped as INVALID.
Please advise any missing valid Prince Edward and Marion Islands callsigns to Alan, 5B4AHJ, or via the Help Desk.
Call | Date/Note (follow callsign links to see exact dates, QSLs and additional notes) |
ZS2MI | 1948-1981 |
ZS6ZU/2 | 1953 - January |
ZS1TD/ZS2MI | 1978 - August |
ZS8MI | 1987 - August until 2004 - May |
ZR1BCE/ZS8 | 1995 - April until 1996 - April |
ZS8IR | 1996 - April until 1997 - May |
ZS8D | 1999 - April until 2000 - May |
ZS8T | 2008 - March until 2009 - April |
ZS8M | 2010 - January until 2011 - May |
ZS8C | 2013 - May until 2014 - March |
ZS8Z | 2013 - May until 2014 - May |
ZS8A | 2014 - February until May |
ZS8Z | 2017 - January until November |
The ones that didn't count | |
ZS2MI | 1986 - August/September - Unauthorised operation |
ZS88AOO | 1988 - October until 1989 - April. Counts as Republic of South Africa. |
ZS80NRM | 1998 - June/July. Counts as Republic of South Africa. |
ZS85SARL | 2010 - May until 2011 - February. Counts as Republic of South Africa. |
ZS80VT | 2011 - 2013 October - Counts as Republic of South Africa. |
Acknowledgements and references
ARRL QST October 1948
Chris R, Burger, ZS6EZ Marion Island ZS8
Hamgallery Prince Edward & Marion Island , Africa
Les Nouvelles DX ZS2MI - Marion et Prince Edouard
WAP-WACA Directory
Wikipedia Prince Edward Islands