Why does Club Log block IP addresses?

Club Log has an automatic firewall, which deals with issues relating to malicious requests, automated bots and similar activity. It also takes care of blocking other unwanted traffic such as requests that require a valid login, where incorrect credentials are provided. 

By automatically preventing ongoing scans and activities by bots, Club Log remains more responsive for genuine users and higher network costs are avoided. This additional layer of security has been added because, sadly, history shows there are times when people with malicious intentions can cause disruption otherwise.

What is my IP address?

You can get your IP address from https://whatismyipaddress.com/

What happens when my IP address is blocked?

When your IP is blocked, requests from your address will be blocked for around 1 hour (although this duration can vary). This will affect all access to Club Log (clublog.org). You won't be able to see the Club Log web site (or it might seem to load, but with pieces missing or not responding, if your web browser uses cached copies). 

You will be able to access the helpdesk as normal at https://clublog.freshdesk.com/.

What causes my IP to be blocked?

If your IP address has been blocked and you are reading this article to understand why, please start by looking at any logging software you have installed that makes use of Club Log's "real time uploads" feature. 

99% of all cases of being blocked are caused by misconfiguring realtime uploads, then leaving it silently failing on each QSO you log.

All of the following must be correct when you use realtime uploads:

  • The email address for your Club Log account
  • The password for your Club Log account
  • The callsign (which must belong to the same email address)

If any of these three pieces of information is invalid, access will be denied. 

When will access be restored?

Once you eliminate the cause of bad requests being sent to Club Log, access will automatically be restored within an hour or so.

Tip: please use an Application Password wherever possible when you are using Club Log's real time upload features. You can get an Application Password anytime, by going to Settings > App Passwords.

Note to IT folks

You will rapidly trigger the firewall if you attempt to scrape pages, use scripts etc. so please think carefully and ask first if you are going to do anything like that. Write to G7VJR first, please. Thank you.