QSOs uploaded to the wrong callsign?
When you upload QSOs to Club Log, they are stored inside a log which is associated with a callsign.
If you upload QSOs to the wrong callsign, then they will appear in the incorrect log. This needs to be put right as the QSOs in the wrong log cannot be matched, will not be useable for OQRS purposes, and if they are in the wrong DXCC entity they will also distort most wanted lists and propagation charts.
How to remove the QSOs
You will need to have a complete ADIF file for your log. You should always have this to hand (for example, using your local PC logbook software) as Club Log should never be the only place you store your QSOs.
If you do not have a complete ADIF file for your log to hand, then you will need to resolve that first.
Once you have a complete ADIF file for your log:
1) Go to Settings > Callsigns and look for the callsign that contains the wrong QSOs.
2) Click the button to the right of the callsign, "Clear".
3) Go to Uploads (top menu) and upload the full, complete ADIF file for the callsign you just cleared.
After this, your log will no longer contain the wrong QSOs. Note that any OQRS records or Club Log log matches you have are not affected, and will not be removed or deleted by this process. All OQRS records are permanent, as are log matches.