Normally you tell Club Log about the Logbook of The World confirmations and QSLs you have received simply by uploading an ADIF log file containing the appropriate fields and values for the confirmed QSOs. Usually, you do that by using the Club Log LoTW sync feature.
You can also do it like this:
- Using the LoTW synchronization function in your logging program, or by manually downloading the details from LoTW (see below) and importing the LoTW file to your logger, or by manually updating QSOs in your log to identify the QSLs you have received;
- Exporting your updated log from your logger as an ADIF file;
- Uploading the updated ADIF log file to Club Log.
Most logging programs automatically include LoTW and QSL fields in the ADIF files they export, but a few programs don't, in which case you can try a different approach instead:
- Log into ARRL's LoTW.
- Click the 'Your QSOs' tab.
- Click 'Download Report' in the left hand menu.
- Make sure the date range starts sufficiently early to catch all your LoTW confirmations.
- Check 'Include QSL detail'.
- Make absolutely certain to pick your callsign - the one you plan to upload into on the Club Log site - and do not use the 'any' choice.
- Click 'Download report' to download an ADIF file detailing your LoTW confirmations to your PC.
- Login to Club Log.
- Upload the ADIF file from LoTW (normally called lotwreport.adi) to Club Log.
From November 2014 onwards, DXCC credits will appear with a blue 'V' in Club Log, automatically, if you upload an LoTW lotwreport.adi file.
Expert tip: On the honour roll and not getting the right results? If you are relying solely on a download of your log from ARRL Logbook of the World, it will not contain details of QSOs that predate the computerisation of the DXCC program! (Thought to be around the early 1990s). For this reason, if you do not see the correct totals in Club Log you will need to add any QSOs that are missing by merging an ADIF that you create manually.