Author: Alan 5B4AHJ

If you haven't found what you want in the various articles in DXCC Mappings solutions, here are some additional resources that my help to answer your query. Right click on the link to open the page in a new tab or window.

ARRL Current Entities List (2019)This site displays a list of all current DXCC entities, along with a set of explanatory notes.
ARRL Deleted Entities List 2019This site displays a list of all deleted DXCC entities, together with dates that QSOs are valid for each entity, along with a set of explanatory notes.
ARRL Prefix Cross ReferencesThis site displays current and some historic prefixes. Although by no means complete, it is a useful reference.
Australian Amateur Radio CallsignsThis very useful site traces the evolution of amateur radio callsigns in Australia from 1905 to date.
CDXC DX ArchiveThis site contains searchable/downloadable copies of the Geoff Watts/RSGB DX News Sheet, and RSGB DX News Magazines.
CQ WAZ Zone / Country / Entities ListThis site displays a list of all CQ zones, with a list of prefixes/areas that each zone encompasses.
Dokufunk USSR/CIS Prefix ListThe PDF document that is download from this URL contains a list of all USSR prefixes and CIS prefixes that were in use before and after the break up of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s.
The data in the document is derived from QSL cards that are in the possession of Dokufunk, and shows the DXCC entity of each prefix for which a QSL exists in the Dokufunk collection.
FCC Universal Licensing System DatabaseThis site enables a user to search for a particular US call, and check changes to the licence - renewals, cancellations, re-issues, address changes etc.
After having brought up the page for a particular call, go to the Admin tab to see the required information.
F6AJA's Les Nouvelles DXLNDX contains a wealth of historical DX information, and has an enormous collection of QSL cards. The site is in French, but offers English and Spanish translations.
I0JX's Almost everything on the Italian ham-radio callsign assignment systemThe title tells all!
JJ1WTL callsign.jpThis site has a comprehensive history of Japanese calls, including the AMRS KA calls, J# calls in the immediate post-WWII era, right through to modern Japanese callsign rules including Japanese nationals, foreign residents in Japan, visitors, special event stations etc.
K6EID's Antarctica PageThis site has two excellent maps showing the location of many Antarctic stations. The site also contains a good collection of QSL cards from the area.
K8CX's QSL Museum, aka hamgallery.comThis site also has an very large collection of QSL cards.
Liechtenstein callsigns through the ages ...This site traces the history of callsigns in the Principality of Liechtenstein from 1923 to recent times (tnx DM5MM,
MW0GXK's "About Callsigns"
This site explores the history of UK callsigns.
Unfortunately, this very useful site has now closed.
N4MC's Vanity HQ (aka VHQ))This site displays some history about individual US calls. Address changes are tracked, and old calls given. This is useful to find out when, for example, a US ham moved from one DXCC entity to another. Unfortunately, this extremely useful site closed on 2013-08-28. Update 2013-09-05 - the database has been moved to The National Silent Key Archive (see below).
National Silent Key ArchiveSee N4MC's VHQ above. On the Tools menu, click on "Research Hams" and enter the callsign of interest in the CALLSIGN box on the right,
OK1RR's "Operations Not Accepted For DXCC" ListThis site lists many operations that are not valid for DXCC for one reason or another. Although not complete, and not 100% accurate, it is, nevertheless, a useful reference. Many of Club Log's INVALID exceptions are based on the entries on this site.
IOTA WORLDThis is the official site of the  IOTA programme.
RSGB Prefix GuideThe RSGB Prefix Guide is the most comprehensive publication that I have come across for those interested in prefix/entity mapping, and covers many aspects of this subject in depth. It is available from theRSGB Book Shop, and also from ARRL.
US 1x1 Special Event Call SignsThis site displays the history of the allocation of US 1x1 calls, eg K4M.
WAP-WACA DirectoryThe PDF document that is download from this URL contains a large list of callsigns that have been QRV from Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and Peri-Antartic areas, with dates (years only).
Club Log does not yet have an exception for all callsigns in the list - exceptions are added as they are needed.

Amateur radio magazine archives

ARRL periodicals

DX News Sheet


Practical Wireless

RadCom & RSGB Bulletin


Short Wave Magazine

Short Wave News

West Coast DX Bulletin

73 Magazine

ARRL Current Entities List

ARRL Deleted Entities List