Author: Alan, 5B4AHJ

A number of Canadian stations, mainly operating mobile, operate from the USA without indicating the country identifier in their callsign.
These stations do not comply with the terms of their licence, so QSOs with these stations are mapped as INVALID by Club Log.

"When a station is transmitting under the privileges afforded by an amateur service license granted by the Government of Canada or an amateur service license granted by any other country with which the United States has a multilateral or bilateral agreement, an indicator consisting of the appropriate letter-numeral designating the station location must be included in the station identification announcement. See 47 C.F.R. § 97.119
This indicator must be separated from the assigned call sign by the slant mark (/) or any suitable word that denotes the slant mark. When the station is transmitting under the authority of an amateur service license granted by the Government of Canada, the indicator must be included after the call sign (example: "VE3XX/W4"). "


Thanks to Reg, VE7IG.

RSGB DX News Sheet #1321, dated 1988-06-08, reports: QRZDX reports <snip> VEs are party to a special arrangement, and will continue to sign "own callsign/W(call area)".