This article documents the use of the EM6 prefix for SES callsigns operating from Georgia in February, 1981 and July, 1983.
The following is evident from the Club Log QSO database:
- The EM6 prefix was used as a special event prefix throughout each of these periods.
- All Georgian stations could substitute the EM6 prefix for their normal UF6 prefix.Thus UF6CR signed EM6CR, UF6FAA signed EM6FAA, etc.
- The EM6 prefix was not used by any other USSR state/region during that period (eg UA6).
- In addition, short SES callsigns were QRV from the capital city of each of the four Georgian oblasts (UF6F, UF6O, UF6Q, UF6V).
The following are known to have been QRV: EM6F (1981, 1983), EM6Q (1983), EM6V (1983).
February, 1981.
DXNS #953, dated 1981-02-25, reports EM6HX and EM6PB as QRV for "60th anniversary of the UF6 Republic".
Wikipedia, however, gives the independence date as 1918-05-26. Wikipedia also states that, in February, 1921, Georgia was attacked by the Red Army, and gives 1921-02-25 as the date on which the Red Army entered the capital Tibilisi, following which a Moscow-directed Communist government was installed.
Thus, it appears that this event was to celebrate 60 years of Russian government of Georgia, and not the 60th anniversary of the Georgian Republic. This is confirmed by the EM6F QSL card, which states the event as "60 years of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic".
July, 1983
Victor, R6AF, advises that EM6 callsigns were used on the occasion of 200 years of the Treaty of Georgievsk, which was signed on 1783-07-24. This information was provided to Victor by Jurij, MM0DFV, ex operator of EM6Q.
Callsign mapping
Club Log maps the EM6 prefix to Georgia from 1981-02-01 until 1983-07-31.
The only exception required is for EM6A
Wikipedia Georgia in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia Treaty of Georgievsk
DX News Sheet, edited by Geoff Watts, published by the Radio Society of Great Britain.
Victor, R6AF
Jurij, MM0DFV