Some logging software incorrectly maps all UA1O and UA1P callsigns to Franz Josef Land.

Until 1984-04-30, Franz Josef Land was part of oblast #114, Nenetsky Autonomous Okrug.
At that time, stations operating from Franz Josef Land used the UA1P or UK1P prefix.
However, Franz Josef Land was only part of oblast #114. Stations in other parts of oblast #114 also used the UA1P and UK1P prefixes. This information is from DXNS Oblast Guide.

In fact, the majority of stations using the UA1P and UK1P prefixes WERE NOT in Franz Josef Land.

 Information required. The UA1P QSLs show an oblast no of 171, which is shown as unallocated in the DXNS oblast guide. Was FJL an oblast in it's own right before 1985 and not part of oblast #114?

Note: It appears that oblast #171 may have been used for Arctic islands, drifting ice stations, etc.

From 1984-05-01, Franz Josef Land was part of oblast #113, Arkhangelsk. 
At that time, stations operating from Franz Josef Land used the UA1O, UZ1O or RZ1O prefix.
However, Franz Josef Land was only part of oblast #113. Stations in other parts of oblast #113 also used the UA1O prefix.
In fact, the majority of stations using the UA1O prefix WERE NOT in Franz Josef Land.

Some statistics from Club Log at the time of writing:

First QSO with FJL from oblast #114 was UK1PAA on 1965-03-28 (Only UA1P/UK1P prefixes checked).
Last QSO with FJL from oblast #114 was UK1PGO on 1984-04-23.
First QSO with FJL from oblast #113 was UA1OT on 1985-05-20.
Last QSO with FJL from oblast #113 was UA1OT on 1991-06-06 (Excluding 4K2 and later prefixes).

Selection of QSLs:



The DXNS U.S.S.R. OBLAST GUIDE, dated circa 1990, published by Geoff Watts, BRS-3129.