If you want to show visitors to your website or QRZ page your recent QSOs, Club Log can generate a dynamic display showing limited information about your most recent QSOs.

Configure your Club Log account

1) Enable the last 10 QSOs widget on the 'Settings' page of your account. Note that it is disabled by default, so you must enable it if you decide to use it.

2) Allow your callsign to appear in the leagues, using the 'Show in leagues' option in the Settings > Callsigns page. If your call is hidden from the leagues, you can't use the last 10 QSOs widget

You can use this code to embed part of Club Log in a frame:

<iframe align="top" frameborder="0" height="325" name="iframe" scrolling="yes" src="https://clublog.org/last10_iframe.php?call=G7VJR" width="450"></iframe>

Replace G7VJR with your own callsign.

On QRZ.com profile pages, you will need to ensure you paste this as code in 'source' mode. This is essential. For more help setting up QRZ.com profile pages with this feature, please click here for a step-by-step guide.

Adding more records

You can choose to add limit=[n] to change the size of the box. eg limit=30:

<iframe align="top" frameborder="0" height="325" name="iframe" scrolling="yes" src="https://clublog.org/last10_iframe.php?call=G7VJR&limit=30" width="450"></iframe>