Club Log's Club DX League consolidates DXCC statistics from the members of various clubs and societies in order to rank and compare them.
To access the Club DX League:
- Click the Club Leagues button on the left of most Club Log screens.
- By default, Club Log sorts the list of clubs by the mean number of DXCC countries worked and QSLd by club members. Click a column heading to sort the report by a different field.
- Click any club name to see the DXCC league table for that club's members.
Given that some clubs are much larger than others, Club Log uses the average number of DXCC countries in each member's log as a basis for comparison, rather than the grand total number of countries worked by all members of the club. The idea is for active DXers in a club to encourage less active members to work more DX. Very small clubs are excluded from the club leagues because their statistics can be skewed by unusually active or inactive members.
Logs belonging to club members who do not appear to have made any QSOs during the previous 12 months do not count towards those clubs as they are presumed to be inactive or lapsed members.
You can claim membership of any number of clubs on the Settings page for your Club Log account. Clubs nominate secretaries to administer their membership lists, preventing non-members from claiming membership.