First, make sure you have configured Club Log to show your callsign in the league tables ...

  1. Click Settings on the top menu
  2. Click the Callsigns tab
  3. Select Yes under Show in leagues? for any callsigns you want to include in the league tables
  4. If you have not uploaded QSOs within the past year for any of your calls, those calls are automatically tagged "Inactive" and will not be shown in the leagues.  The only way to show them in the leagues is to have QSOs and upload them at least once a year.

Club Log's DXCC league tables look something like this ...

To use the leagues:

  1. Click the DXCC Leagues button on the left of most Club Log screens.
  2. Choose whichever reporting parameters interest you, for example select the modes and bands that you prefer.
  3. Click the Generate DXCC League button to generate or update the report table beneath.
  4. If there are too many Club Log members to list them all comfortably on one page, Club Log shows them in blocks, with buttons to display any of the blocks.
  5. If you are logged-in to Club Log when you run the report, the system tells you your position in the rankings just above the page selector buttons, and highlights your call or calls if they appear in the league tables.
  6. The table has been sorted by the column shown in bold, with a black arrow in the column heading. Click other column headings to re-sort the table directly, avoiding the need to change the reporting parameters and re-generate the report.
  7. A Club Log member with multiple personal callsigns is listed under their nominated primary callsign with a +count showing how many other calls they hold (the DXCC counts include those made with any of the associated calls).  
  8. Stars indicate members who have made donations to Club Log (thank you!). 
  9. Click a callsign in the table to display that member's personal DXCC chart. Find out which DXCC countries appear in their log as worked or worked-and-confirmed.

The columns in the table tell you:

  • Rank: the member's overall position in the league table;
  • Callsign: the member's primary callsign;
  • Amateur bands showing the number of DXCC countries the member has logged and (if selected) confirmed on each band;
  • DXCC: - the total number of DXCC countries the member has logged on any of the selected bands;
  • Slots: the sum total of the DXCC numbers in the band columns ("band slots");
  • Range: how many years since the first QSO in the member's log.