Use the DXCC charts menu option under Your Log to find out which DXCC countries you have worked on each band, and which of those have been confirmed with Logbook of the World confirmations or QSL cards.
There are options to filter the QSOs by mode, by current-only or current-plus-deleted DXCC countries, worked/confirmed/wanted, and by years if you wish to be more specific in your analysis. If you upload logs for different callsigns (e.g. your normal and contest calls), you can also choose which log or logs to analyse.
Slots on the DXCC chart are clickable:
- Click on a coloured blob to find out about the corresponding QSOs and QSLs if any have been confirmed;
- Click on an plain circle to find out if any other Club Log users have made a QSO with that DXCC country on that band - and if so when and whether the DX stations use LoTW.
How does Club Log determine DXCC status?
Identifying DXCC entities correctly is an important feature of Club Log, so let's take a moment to explain the philosophy.
Club Log primarily uses details of allocated prefixes dating back to 1945 to map callsigns in uploaded logs to the corresponding DXCC entities. Maintaining the prefix data, plus a number of changes and known exceptions within defined date ranges, is a painstaking task undertaken voluntarily by Alan, 5B4AHJ.
If you upload an ADIF log that claims a particular DXCC entity for a QSO (in the ADIF COUNTRY or DXCC field) but Club Log maps the call to a different entity, an error will be generated when the log is imported into the database. Other problems, such as unknown prefixes, also generate errors. At the end of the log import process, an error report will be emailed to you and copied to Alan.
It is not unusual to discover from the Club Log error reports that you have worked new countries or filled additional band-slots, and most of us find it immensely satisfying to know that our logs and DXCC records are accurate. We hope that you will go through any error reports you receive, fixing busted calls and obvious country errors in your log and then re-upload your corrected log to Club Log.