Club Log pairs-up matching QSO entries in uploaded logs, recording new DXCC band/mode slots in the order that it finds them in order to generate its Log matching reports.  In order to match a specific QSO in your log:

  • Both you and the person you worked must have logged the QSO and uploaded the QSO data to Club Log;
  • Club Log must have had a chance to run the log matching function against both logs;
  • The callsign you logged must correspond exactly to the station callsign of the other person;
  • The band and mode of the QSO must correspond to those logged by the other person;
  • The time of the QSO must be close to that logged by the other person - to within a tolerance of +/- 15 minutes.

The importance of time-keeping

Club Log allows for small discrepancies in the times recorded in our logs.  A few of us diligently log both the start and end times for our QSOs, but most of us just record one time point - generally the moment we click the "Save this QSO button" in our logging program (logged as the QSO end time).  Recording the start time of QSOs is less reliable for those patient DXers who may start logging a DX station before they finally make it through the pileup and complete the QSO, although of course you can always edit the time in your log provided you remember to do it.  

If you are logging the dates and times of your QSOs in local/clock time, you will not see matches.  The global standard for amateur radio is 24-hour Universal Coordinated Time and all logs uploaded to Club Log are assumed to be logged in UTC.

Why don't Club Log matches count as QSLs?

Club Log is not accredited for awards programs.  QSOs that match in Club Log do not count as "confirmed" or "verified" for awards such as DXCC. It is hoped that this situation may change. Club Log matches are accepted by other awards programs including WIA, DARC and other challenges run by CDXC for example.

Club Log fully supports QSLs received by LOTW, using the QSL_RCVD_LOTW field.