
Zone mapping for Antarctica
Author: Alan, 5B4AHJ & Francesco, IV3TMM The correct CQ zone for some Antarctic bases is not always apparent from QSL cards, and other sources.&...
Mon, 9 Aug, 2021 at 10:30 AM
British Antarctic Survey base callsigns
Short Wave Magazine (SWM), in August 1958, states : "Certain calls are issued to the Bases and [are] used by all and sundry - this applies to VP8AE,...
Mon, 7 Dec, 2020 at 1:57 PM
3Y/P Peter I Island
QST, dated September 1983, announced: "New Country The A.R.R.L. Awards Committee has accepted the recommendation of the DX Advisory Committee to add ...
Sun, 8 Mar, 2020 at 9:25 AM
VP8/O South Orkney Islands
The DXCC entity of South Orkney Islands is listed in the ARRL countries list published in February 1947. Location map (tnx Wikipedia - © OpenStreetMap c...
Sun, 5 Jul, 2020 at 10:34 AM
VP8/S South Sandwich Islands
The DXCC entity of South Sandwich Islands is listed in the ARRL countries list published in February 1947. Location map (credit: Cool Antarctica): S...
Tue, 26 May, 2020 at 8:54 AM
FB8Z, FT#Z Amsterdam and St. Paul Islands
From 1945 - 1950, Amsterdam & St Paul Islands also counted as Kerguelen, but became a separate DXCC entity in 1951, with QSOs counting from 1945-11-15....
Fri, 1 Dec, 2023 at 12:31 PM